hearing is a brain issue that can improve with training
Science and research support the efficacy of computer-based auditory training programs such as hearapp that
- address individual needs and provide opportunities for growth by evaluating the listener's strengths and weaknesses, placing the listener at an appropriate level, providing consistent, systematic practice with helpers where necessary and moving the listener to more challenging listening tasks
- provide practice in a meaningful context using aspects of spoken communication, such as receptive and expressive language, turn-taking and speech
- provide clear, salient auditory information with repeated opportunities for exposure and systematic practice so the hearing brain can grow and change
- incorporate the hierarchy of hearing skills—detection and discrimination of sounds, followed by the recognition and understanding of sounds in words, phrases, sentences and conversations
- provide practice where visual information is withheld or diminished and speech sounds are heard in a variety of listening environments (in quiet and in noise) to strengthen the auditory sense
hearapp training significantly improves phoneme perception test scores
In initial tests of kids and adults with profound to severe hearing loss, just 3 hours of training with hearapp (ten 20-minute sessions) resulted in significant improvement in their phoneme perception test scores on speech targets in nearly every case.
Testing of hearapp is ongoing. If you're a speech language pathologist/audiologist/teacher of the deaf/other hearing specialist or hearing impaired and you're interested in assisting, please let us know.
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